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How to Ensure You Get Quality Pavement Repair Before Winter

Winter is quickly approaching, and New England is no stranger to chilly, icy weather – along with the damage that the elements can cause during these long winter months. Instead of waiting for next year to make repairs, you still have time to upgrade your areas of asphalt and pavement to ensure you’re keeping your facilities and operations in tip-top shape before things get worse.

Why You Should Get Quality Pavement Repair Before Winter

How Does Winter Affect Your Pavement and Asphalt?

The most common cause of pavement and asphalt issues during the winter months and throughout the year is the freeze-thaw cycle. First, snowmelt or rainwater makes its way into small cracks in the pavement. This can happen during rainy spring months or throughout the winter.

Next, temperatures begin to drop, and that moisture freezes. The water remaining in the cracked pavement turns to ice, which naturally expands. This expansion can deepen the existing crack and begin to crumble the pavement or asphalt, leading to deterioration. When warmer months roll around and temperatures begin to rise once again, that ice begins to melt, and the larger, deeper cracks allow water to move even deeper into the pavement or asphalt.

While one year of a freeze-thaw cycle is enough to cause significant damage, facilities throughout New England are likely to have this pattern take place year after year. And all too often, small cracks in pavement or asphalt may go unnoticed for some time, leaving business owners and facility operators unaware of what’s happening beneath the surface. Over time, this can greatly damage either small sections of pavement or even entire sidewalks and parking lots.

What Other Factors Play Into Asphalt or Pavement Damage?

Besides the freeze-thaw cycle, there’s much more to take into account when maintaining the quality of your facility’s pavement. The slope of your pavement matters as it can play into where and how moisture accumulates. If you’re located towards the bottom of a slope, water may build up in greater quantities, resulting in more ice in the cold winter season.

There’s also the element of preventative winter maintenance like shoveling, snow plowing, and salting your walkways or parking lot. While taking these measures can absolutely protect your employees or patrons against slipping (covering you in terms of liability), they also can cause quite a bit of structural damage themselves. Shoveling and plowing can dent or even cause breakages in the pavement, while salting can cause small pits and divots on the surface of your pavement.

Finally, you’ll need to consider whether “frost heave” is happening on your property. This is when freezing winter temperatures cause the water below the pavement’s surface to freeze and expand (the freeze-thaw cycle), only it causes more damage than deepening cracks and allowing for more moisture. Frost heave is when the surface itself begins to buckle, shift, and lift upwards. Not only does this mean an uneven surface for cars and people to navigate, but it could completely interfere with the structural integrity of the pavement. These “hills” or raised, bumpy areas also make the ground more treacherous for individuals to navigate, especially when coupled with winter elements like snow and ice.

Why Seek Out Pavement Repair Services?

There’s no doubt that asphalt is among the most durable materials out there – that doesn’t mean it’s exempt from damage. In fact, throughout the year, a number of things can begin to deteriorate your pavement, including inclement weather and seasonal temperature changes, as well as pest infestations and general wear and tear.

Concrete is a relatively porous material, making it more susceptible to temperature variations and moisture-related damage. The salt used on sidewalks in winter can cause pitting, and moisture or debris from falling leaves can leave stains and streaking. Plus, shoveling snow can create cracks and dents in the concrete, and if you utilize outdoor furniture, this can create chipping and scratching in your pavement.

For high-traffic areas like sidewalks, keeping conditions clean and functional is easier said than done. Whether your facility receives bulky shipments in large trucks, contends with customers rolling shopping carts back and forth, or simply faces the icy, wet conditions of the winter months, you may be in need of significant repairs to your pavement on an ongoing basis. There’s nothing worse than having to shut down operations mid-winter due to extensive asphalt damage.

When Do You Need Parking Lot Repair Services?

How many cars does your parking lot see per day or week? How many product or equipment shipments are hauled in by heavy trucks? Does your parking lot or driveway host an array of vehicles with snow tires or chains? Besides these traffic-related factors, you must consider things like structural damage from moisture buildup, cracks that can deepen during New England’s freeze-thaw cycle, and damage caused by pests or debris buildup.

What Does Quality Pavement Repair Include?

Cassidy Paving offers a suite of asphalt paving, repair, and maintenance services to help keep your infrastructure issues to a minimum and remain compliant, from simple crack filling to large-scale industrial full depth reconstuction. Indeed, for commercial facilities, full depth reclamation or reconstruction could mean the difference in a liability-related issue this winter.

Pavement repair services include things like removing existing asphalt or concrete, replacing the base material, and repaving the road. Depending on the level of deterioration, the pavement may be ground down to the base layer before being crushed, pulverized, or blended to achieve a more stabilized base.

If there are issues with drainage, sewage, or water lines, those can also be repaired as part of this full depth reconstruction service. The finished product is asphalt that’s better fortified against the elements. Services might include roadway repaving, damaged driveway apron replacement, damaged sidewalk replacement, and more. And if you’re looking at your facility’s accessibility, we offer ADA-compliant curb cut and ramp installation for intersections across your property.

What’s Involved with Asphalt Pothole Repair Services?

Maybe you don’t need repair services that are quite so extensive. If you’re looking to fix more minor cracks in your asphalt or potholes in your parking lot, you might look into cut and patch paving repairs. This type of service is ideal for customers who have noticed uneven areas, potholes, or cracking on their walkways or parking lots. It’s less extensive than a full depth restoration service, but enough to get your facility in shape as you prepare for the chilly, icy winter months.

Cassidy Paving is a trusted pothole repair company serving a variety of commercial and industrial facilities throughout New England. Our cut and patch pavement repairs involve two distinct steps. First, there’s the cutting, when we remove existing pavement damage like potholes, localized cracking, or other deteriorated, crumbling, or damaged areas. Then comes the patching, where we fill that space with fresh paving to restore your asphalt to its original condition.

Find Out What Sets Cassidy Paving Apart From the Rest

If you’re looking for a premier paving company in New England, look no further than Cassidy Paving. Our family-owned and operated asphalt paving company serves customers throughout Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire, and we’re headquartered in your own backyard – Haverhill, MA!

We offer a range of minor and major pavement repair services for commercial properties, including condominium and apartment complexes, subdivisions, corporate headquarters, commercial office parks, retail stores, shopping centers, and many more.

With decades of experience in asphalt repair, paving services, reconstruction, and much more, we know our community, and we know the paving business. We provide comprehensive estimates, including the full scope of any asphalt repair or paving repair services you may need. Rest assured that Cassidy Paving also prioritizes the safety of your team, your site, and our own crews every step of the way.

Contact us today to discuss your facility’s needs and how Cassidy Paving can help meet them – on time, on budget, and with consistent communication throughout your project. Get the protection you need so that your New England business or industrial facility doesn’t face liability issues or shutdown this year.

No cutting corners. No skipping steps. Cassidy Paving is known for a caring, thorough approach to commercial paving, industrial paving, paving repairs, and snow removal.

For maximum safety and curb appeal, get a paving services estimate from our team today.

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Note: We do not service residential driveways. We are happy to recommend a local company. Call us at 866-978-9788 to get a referral.