Roadway maintenance is something that everyone is familiar with whether you are a regular driver or not. Due to the lifecycle of asphalt pavement and its maintenance needs, you can typically find asphalt road work year-round. The streets that we drive on are a big deal to our cities and towns, and their economies. Therefore, Cassidy Paving provides the most sustainable and professional-level street services to municipalities, towns, and counties across Massachusetts.
In order to maintain these streets, we use a two-step process, often referred to as mill and overlay. This differs from other paving options because you remove and recycle layers of road and fill what then needs filler, rather than paving over what is currently there without removing those layers. The process addresses the issue beyond the top layer to provide your asphalt with a full remedy for structural issues. Pavement Interactive says that this option does not work for every road need though, it “is typically done when there is only minor to modest damage to the existing pavement structure”. For example, if you find your parking lot has a few cracks and potholes throughout the area, this would be an ideal option for your needs.
Step 1: Milling
When it comes to doing the most suitable job for a street within a city’s budget, milling is the way to go because you won’t be starting your paving process from scratch. The method of milling basically means at least removing a portion of the surface of the road. The milling method can go as far down/deep as needed to make the road smooth again. This is done by heavy milling machinery at a controlled depth and is then loaded onto a truck. Once the removed asphalt is loaded up, it is taken to a recycling facility where it will be recycled into other projects as effective base material. Milling leaves the sub-base intact so new asphalt can be installed over top, creating a new, smooth surface that saves both time and money on a paving project.
Step 2: Overlay
Once the amount of required asphalt is removed, the overlay process can begin. Just as the name implies, hot mix asphalt is applied to the area that was milled to replace the top surface. After the new asphalt is laid, we will then use heavy rolling machines to compact the overlay to the road. This will be done as many times as necessary to get good compaction and a smooth surface. You should not see any uneven areas or patchy spots once completed.
The Milling and Overlay Experts
At Cassidy Paving, we take pride in our comprehensive experience with mill and overlay. This is one area of expertise that our crew can provide to both small and large municipalities across the state. If you are ready to address your uneven and damaged roads, parking lots, and/or bridges, give us a call today at 866-978-9788 for a free estimate.